• Question: What did you expect when you decided to become an engineer

    Asked by DavidMul04 to Aisling, Colin, Laurence, Ned, Niamh on 4 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Ned Dwyer

      Ned Dwyer answered on 4 Mar 2016:

      I didn’t know what to expect really. I studied it cause I was good at maths and science. However I didn’t know what work woild be like. That’s why job placements can be very helpful. They can give you a taste of a work environment

    • Photo: Aisling Shannon

      Aisling Shannon answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Hi David,
      I think when I started the course in UL, I really didn’t know what to expect I would end up working as, nor what I wanted to do. Even within that one course, there are so many possible outcomes, so many different careers that people have gotten out of the same degree. By the time I graduated, I had a much better idea, but still I think you learn and understand which parts of your engineering skills you enjoy the most and you then work towards getting your perfect job over the years. It takes time.

    • Photo: Laurence O'Rourke

      Laurence O'Rourke answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      Lots of money 😉

      Seriously though every job I’ve worked on has been different and it’s very difficult to know what to expect in such a case. I guess the challenge is what is key for me in my job so that is what I expected when working as an engineer – to be continuously challenged. And get paids lots of money too at the same time 🙂

    • Photo: Colin Shirran

      Colin Shirran answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I had images of being involved in the forefront of technology. Everyday would be exciting and filled with challenges. Unfortunately it isn’t exactly like that haha. There is a lot of office work involved with many menial tasks like documentation and reviews. That’s not to say it doesn’t involve it, I just liked to think more about all of the exciting aspects of engineering when I thought about having it as my job.
