• Question: What is the worst part of your career

    Asked by maria to Aisling, Colin, Laurence, Ned, Niamh on 1 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Ned Dwyer

      Ned Dwyer answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      Most of the time, and most parts of my work is fine. The bit I like least is dealing with the finances, making sure there is enough money for everything, following all the accountancy rules and making sure we justify how we spend all the money. Maybe that is why I never became an accountant, as I donĀ“t really enjoy the money part.

    • Photo: Laurence O'Rourke

      Laurence O'Rourke answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      Having to work late at night sometimes or away from my family. These are a fact of life and aren’t something specific to Engineering but you will see this in all careers. Good question as people tend to ask what is the best part.

    • Photo: Aisling Shannon

      Aisling Shannon answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Now that I have kids, what used to be a really cool part of my job – travel, is now a bit that I dread. Sometimes you have to travel for more than a week and it is really tough being away. But from the work point of view it is some of the most interesting stuff… So you spend your time torn between enjoying your job and missing your family.

    • Photo: Colin Shirran

      Colin Shirran answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I’m not sure I can say what the worst part of my career is. Perhaps it is being away from Ireland. I had to leave my family and a lot of friends behind. If I was able to get a similar job to this back at home I would love to move back. Having said that I don’t dislike working in the UK. It’s just the only thing I can think of that would be a downside to my career.
